The director of EFIK serves as the head of the institution for the entire school, from preschool to secondary. He is part-time in a teaching position and part-time in his role as director.

Above all, his responsibilities are pedagogical :
Organizing and overseeing the school’s operations
Chairing the council of teachers
Coordinating the teaching staff
Ensuring regular training for the teaching staff
Promoting educational innovations
Leading the development of the school project
Fostering the necessary links for continuous learning
He ensures the smooth running of the school :
Responsible for the organization and operation of the school
Presides over the council of masters
Coordinates the teaching staff
Oversees the implementation of regular training for the teaching staff
He is responsible for the safety of the school and the children :
Organizes safety exercises, including specific safety plans for risks like fire and earthquakes
Contributes to the protection of children by collaborating with relevant services
Identifies situations of students in danger or at risk and organizes discussions among the educational team
Always in close collaboration with parents and school partners :
Works closely with members of the management committee, local elected officials, the embassy, AEFE managers, Alliance Française, and partner schools
Organizes parent-teacher elections
Maintains communication with families
Facilitates and promotes parental participation in educational activities
The director is appointed and remunerated by the AEFE and ensures compliance with approved educational standards, working in close collaboration with the governing body.

The Parents’ Association comprises the parents of all children enrolled at EFIK. It is the legal entity that enters into the agreement signed with the AEFE.
Each year, all parents who are part of the association gather at a General Assembly at the beginning of the school year to elect 6 parents who will form the association’s executive committee. These 6 members of the executive committee also hold ex-officio positions on the Management Committee.
EFIK is governed by the Management Committee, which sits as soon as its members are elected.
The Management Committee includes :
Board members with voting rights
Elected to the office:
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Three further parent representatives
Ex officio members with consultative voice
- Head of the diplomatic post or their representative
- Consul of France
- Director
- A teacher representative
The Management Committee takes all decisions necessary for the proper governance : administrative, financial, material and staff functioning of the school
Sets each year the amounts of tuition fees and ensures their collection through the treasurer
Approves the appointment of staff governed by local law on the recommendation of the head of the establishment
Prepares any amendments to the statutes and submits them to the General Assembly
Members sitting with deliberative title
- Head of the diplomatic post or his representative
- Director
- Teachers
- Elected representatives of the parents of pupils in number equal to the number of classes
- Elected representatives of the student delegates
Ex officio members with consultative voice
- French consul or his representative
- Consular advisers of the district concerned
- Two representatives of the Management Board
- Delegated coordinator of the AEFE management
The School Board, convened in regular sessions initiated by the management, at least once every quarter, addresses matters and inquiries pertaining to the School’s operation and life :
School rules
School calendar
School rhythms
School project
Discovery classes
Questions relating to the reception and information of parents of pupils
The annual action program against all forms of violence, discrimination, harassment
The continuous staff training plan

As a symbol of excellence, the AEFE offers students of all nationalities the opportunity to receive an education in line with the curriculum of the French national education system. This is made possible through rigorous teaching methods that are globally recognized and uphold universal values, including :
Equal opportunities
Intellectual curiosity
Promotion of critical thinking
The Ministry of National Education and Youth grants approval, ensuring that our teaching complies with the requirements, curriculum, educational objectives, and organizational standards of the French education system. We are certified for kindergarten and primary classes, while secondary school classes are currently organized through the National Center for Distance Education (CNED).
- Educating French students as well as students from host countries and third countries
- Providing education in the French language
- Promoting the French language and culture
- Fostering cooperation between French and foreign institutions
- Teaching the language of the host country
- Advocating for multilingualism
- Offering comprehensive language learning programs
Building a school dedicated to the success of all
Empower students to become responsible global citizens in alignment with shared principles and values.