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Director’s message

Dear Sir/Madam,

Dear students, dear parents, dear EFIK staff,

It is with great honor and pleasure that I join this magnificent school, a showcase for the French presence in Nepal.

directeur école françaiseOur school, a member of the world’s largest network of schools, the AEFE, has been fulfilling its educational mission for several decades, through the sharing of strong values: benevolence, tolerance, respect, solidarity and commitment.

Enrolling your child at EFIK means opening up to others, providing cultural and personal enrichment, and ensuring certified teaching that meets the requirements of the French national education system.

I’d like to extend my warmest thanks to all the school’s staff for welcoming me so warmly to EFIK. They work hard every day to guarantee the quality of our welcome, our teaching and our organization, and are sincerely committed to serving our students.

I am honored by their confidence in me over the last few weeks, and I would like to pay tribute to them with these lines.

I would also like to pay tribute to the parents elected to the Board of Management, who work on a voluntary basis in the general interest of our community, sparing neither time nor energy to ensure that this school can rise to the challenges of an international school in Kathmandu.

This year will be marked by the elaboration of a new school project that we will build together, because it is above all the project of a school community.

Major themes will be addressed, from the future of our language course and the place of English in our teaching, to key issues such as raising awareness of sustainable development, well-being at school, and the entry of all our students into the world of citizenship.

Challenges await us in the coming years, but we know we can count on our team and our community to rise to them.

If the paths of Kathmandu are a literary reference, they are the ones I’m now going to travel with you for a while, and I can’t help but think of this quote:

“You can’t travel on a path without being the path yourself”.

Let’s walk together then!


Head of School