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Middle School at EFIK


Middle School – Cycle 4, Cycle of Deepening

5th, 4th, 3rd
Components and Competencies of the Common Core
Domain 1: Languages for Thinking and Communication
  • Understand and express using the French language orally and in writing.

    • Oral expression
    • Understanding oral statements
    • Read and understand written text
    • Write
    • Exploit the resources of the language
    • Reflect on the linguistic system
  • Understand and express using a foreign or regional language.

    • Read and understand written text
    • Write and respond in writing
    • Listen and understand
    • Express orally continuously and interactively
  • Understand and express using mathematical, scientific, and computer languages.

    • Use numbers
    • Use literal calculation
    • Express a measured or calculated quantity in an appropriate unit
    • Switch from one language to another
    • Use the language of probabilities
    • Use and produce representations of objects
    • Use algorithmic and programming to create simple applications
  • Understand and express using the languages of arts and the body.

    • Practice physical sports and artistic activities
    • Practice the arts by mobilizing various artistic languages and their expressive resources
    • Take a step back from individual and collective artistic practice
Domain 2: Methods and Tools for Learning
  • Organize personal work.

  • Cooperate and carry out projects.

  • Research and process information and initiate media languages.

  • Use digital tools for learning, exchange, and communication.

Domain 3: Training of the Individual and the Citizen
  • Master the expression of one’s sensitivity and opinions, respecting those of others.

  • Know and understand the rules and the law.

  • Exercise critical thinking, demonstrate reflection and discernment.

  • Show responsibility, respect the rules of collective life, engage, and take initiatives.

Domain 4: Natural Systems and Technical Systems
  • Conduct a scientific approach, solve a problem.

  • Design objects and technical systems.

  • Identify rules and principles of individual and collective responsibility in the fields of health, safety, and the environment.

Domain 5: Representations of the World and Human Activity
  • Situate and position oneself in time and space.

  • Analyze and understand human organizations and representations of the world.

  • Reason, imagine, elaborate, produce.

middle school Kathmandu
    6 ème is part of Cycle 3 and requires the same skills as it. This level also represents the first year of middle school, so the subjects and the organization of classes are different from primary school.

    Cycle 3 (6ème)

    French 4 hours 30
    Mathematics 4 hours 30
    History and Geography
    Moral and Civic Education(**)
    3 hours
    Modern Lannguages (foreign or regional) 4 hours
    Life Sciences and Earth Science / Physics and Chemistry 3 hours
    Physical Education 4 hours
    Artistics Education
    (Visual Arts + Music Education)
    1h + 1h
    Each of these subjects can be organnized for 2 hours
    per week over one semester.
    Support or Enrichment in French or Mathematics
    Homework Completed
    Time to be defined according to the student’s needs.
    26 hours


    SUBJECTS 5 ème 4 ème 3 ème
    French 4 hours 30 4 hours 30 4 hours
    Mathematics 3 hours 30 3 hours 30 3 hours 30
    History and Geography
    Moral and Civic Education
    3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 30
    Modern Language 1 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours
    Modern Language 2 2 hours 30 2 hours 30 2 hours 30
    Life Science and Earth Science 1 hour 30 1 hour 30 1 hour 30
    Physics and Chemistry 1 hour 30 1 hour 30 1 hour 30
    Technology 1 hour 30 1 hour 30 1 hour 30
    Physical Education 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours
    Artistics Education (Visual Arts + Music Education)
    Each of these subjects can be organized for 2 hours per week over one semester.
    1h + 1h 1h + 1h 1h + 1h
    Career Exploration
    These activities are integrated into the students’ schedules as much as possible outside of teaching hours.
    26 hours par niveau

    The National Distance Learning Center

    Secondary education is carried out with CNED support open to all audiences, regardless of their nationality, offering them the possibility of following French school education remotely and online.

    Students are still supervised by teachers who guide, help and accompany them throughout the year in person.

    Here is a non-exhaustive list of their missions in collaboration with us:
    • promote access to education and training by providing access to comprehensive and enriching educational programs
    • guarantee educational continuity
    • create a personalized pedagogy, adapted to the rhythms and needs of each, with a more flexible, more differentiated and more individualized course
    • allow students to build their own education and training path to achieve and flourish
    • guarantee everyone the means to achieve academic and professional success
    With more than 20,000 registered internationally, the CNED is the leading operator of lifelong training in Europe and
    in the French-speaking world.

    For each student, allow the progressive acquisition of the knowledge and skills required